Welcome to Low Carbon Initiatives

We’re still developing our website, but below are a few things we’d like you to know:

Who we are

Our mission

LCI is dedicated to mitigating climate change, the most global, profound, and extreme problem facing humanity.

eRIN December 30, 2022 electric vehicles proposed rule biogas-derived biogas-based eolic Low carbon Climate Change
WHAT we do

Support for Actions and Initiatives

LCI will support both public and private actions and initiatives that can rapidly increase the efficient production and use of renewable,  low carbon energy in the United States, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Initially, LCI will focus on supporting actions and initiatives that incentivize both the capture of renewable methane emissions from decomposing organic waste at landfills, farms, wastewater treatment plants, and food waste handling facilities and the beneficial use of that methane for electricity generation instead of its wasteful destruction by flaring.

Support for Advocacy

LCI will also support concerned individuals and other parties who wish to make their voices heard on effective climate policies. In that regard, we recently sponsored the publication of a letter advocating long-delayed EPA regulatory action that will provide the type of methane capture and use incentives described above, and also make renewable fuel for electric vehicles available for the first time under the national Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program.

Low carbon initiatives climate change methane capture biogas agriculture farm wastewater Climate Change

Contact Us

For more information about LCI, the RFS or other inquiries, please send us a message